Saturday 2 June 2012

The Truth May Scare You (Part 1 of 9)

Tuesday 22 May 2012

A Thief in the Night - Full movie 1972

Saturday 12 May 2012



Patience stands alone,the most solitary word we know...

Some prayers seem to be answered so quickly and others seem to fall on deaf ears;going unanswered without even the slightest  explanation.One would be most inclined to ask God,what is going on, especially when you     are placed unexpectedly smack dab in the middle of a fiery trial.
During these times of testing and devastation it is imperative that we focus on the positive outcome instead of the negative circumstance that we are surrounded with.From a more practical standpoint we have to be proactive in the midst of turmoil not allowing ourselves to be consumed with thoughts that could lead to depression or unbelief.We should choose only to trust God and what His word says, confessing it in faith daily regardless of how difficult it is.James 1:1-4(N.I.V.) implores us to count it all joy when we face trials knowing that God is doing a work in us and will bring us out in His time.It seems pretty cruel when we are going through seasons of pruning,but it is an essential process in getting rid of all of the junk that weigh us down spiritually.
Be patient- Eccle 3:3 tells us that there is a season for everything,there is a time for the valley and a time for the mountain.If you find yourself catapulted into a season of unfortunate events ,rest assured that the Lord has heard you and will deliver you...but in His time.   

Romans 12:12 (N.I.V.) "Be joyful in hope,patient in affliction,faithful in prayer".

Thursday 10 May 2012

Ode To Mummy


                        Ode To Mummy

To all of you who did not suddenly just magically appear,You should be forever grateful of the Mother you have near.

The love and admiration of the one who carried you 'til birth,should be forever etched into your heart all the days you're on this Earth.

-And if perchance she is no longer physically here,I pray that you would still hold memories of her oh so very dear.

On this day we commemorate all that our Mothers have done, but our praise and honor for this blessing we must give unto the Son.

                               Happy     Mother's    Day

Thursday 22 March 2012

Introduction to Fasting

Fasting is a term that somehow conjures up intense feelings of discomfort and deprivation which would steer many away from the very activity.Pictures of gaunt little children with distended tummies or perhaps a picture of Mahatma Ghandi comes to the minds of most when the word fast is mentioned.
The fasting I'm referring to is termed Biblical Fasting which  is a very challenging task to undertake even by  the most avid dieter or the most disciplined health enthusiast.